

Edesia is a non-profit producer of Plumpy'Nut and other peanut-based, ready-to-use nutritious foods used to treat and prevent childhood malnutrition.

Edesia is a leading US manufacturer of innovative nutritional solutions for malnourished children in the developing world. Edesia incorporated four products, Plumpy'Nut, Plumpy'Sup, Plumpy'Doz and Nutributter, invented by the French company Nutriset, into a sustainable, socially responsible, and innovative business model that saves lives. All of these products are peanut-based and ready-to-use, meaning they do not need to be mixed with water or require refrigeration.

There are currently over 55 million children in the developing world with severe or moderate acute malnutrition, conditions that not only endanger young lives, but also the economic and emotional health of entire communities and countries. UNICEF estimates that approximately 195 million children in our world are stunted, meaning that their physical bodies and brains have not fully developed.

Edesia's four products effectively address the nutritional needs of all of these children. Plumpy'Nut cures over 90% of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition, while at the other end of the spectrum, Nutributter prevents stunting in children under the age of two. The products are relatively easy to transport, and caregivers can easily carry them from the clinic to home.

Edesia sells its products to organizations - such as UNICEF, the World Food Programme, or USAID - at or below cost. With a reduction in price, more boxes of product can be shipped with each order. This translates to more lives saved. Since opening, Edesia has shipped to over 40 developing countries and treated or prevented malnutrition for well over 2 million children. This number grows each day.

Edesia has also played an important role in adding a new and important dimension to US food aid. The US government has recently incorporated a Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) product made by Edesia, as well as Nutributter into its foreign aid and assistance programming.

Edesia also plays a role in educating and engaging the American public on the importance of nutrition, especially in the first 1,000 days of life, from conception to the age of two. This is accomplished through speaking engagements, factory tours, and a flow of relevant information through social media channels.

A member of the PlumpyField network, Edesia is one of 10 factories around the world that produces Plumpy'Nut and other ready-to-use foods under the Nutriset license. Because ending poverty is essential to preventing more children from becoming malnourished, Edesia also promotes the interests of its PlumpyField partners whose operations are lifting up economies in the countries where malnutrition rates are high.

Our mission is to treat and prevent malnutrition for the most vulnerable children in the developing world. We produce high-quality, ready-to-use foods for humanitarian organizations; collaborate on innovative research and development; promote the interests of local producers; and engage in educational outreach to raise the public profile of childhood malnutrition.

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